Living an involuntary hermit's life. Working towards living a healthier, gluten-free, hopefully cancer free life with my 2 dogs, 3 chickens and loving family.

Living with intention

When stumbling through life isn't good enough anymore..... decide to be yourself and enjoy life, and pay attention to Gods gifts all around.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Inner Chrissie Hynde

I am mad at myself.  I didn't take my good camera but did have my point and shoot.  But where we were kareoking, ( spelling, I have no clue.)  it was so dark, the pictures were bad.

The night was fun.  Dave, Mom, LL, Karen , my friend Kathy, and I sang for hours.  I figured I was safe for a while after not eating and enema's.  So we all met at a Mt. Angel bar and sang.

Dave sang Jim Croche, Karen sang show tunes and Wynnona, LL sang country, and very recent pop.  Then I got enough courage to sing a duet with LL.  The Beat Goes On,.............yes Sonny and Cher.  After that I did a Olivia Newton John song, and then one more.  The song that is playing.  I am playing it because we were REALLY bad at it.  I didn't know it well.  I thought Karen knew it.  She didn't.  So I hope she is listening to it now.  The Pretenders,  one of my very favorite singers Chrissie Hynde. sp?  I'll Stand By You.  It has been on my blog before, but obviously Karen didn't hear it.   So listen Karen.  So next time we can do better:)  I love and adore this song!!

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