Living an involuntary hermit's life. Working towards living a healthier, gluten-free, hopefully cancer free life with my 2 dogs, 3 chickens and loving family.

Living with intention

When stumbling through life isn't good enough anymore..... decide to be yourself and enjoy life, and pay attention to Gods gifts all around.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Homer Days 2011

That time of year again.  Our towns festival to honor Homer Davenport.  The political comic artist.  There is a little bit of everything at Homer days. 

Friday afternoon, LL and I listened to music.

And afterwards, walked to our local pub Macs.  I haven't been there in so long because of the Gluten issues.  But we order drinks and I found something Gluten Free in the appetiser section.  And had no issues!  Later we went to Mt. Angel to Karaoki.  Karen, my sis runs it.  Not too many people there, so LL got to sing a lot and I even did one song before we left.  I can't remember the last time I had an evening "date" with LL.  Usually I am not brave enough to chance going out at night.  Really hate having accidents, but doing it in public is so much worse.  But I was fine this night.

Saturday morning was parade time.  So LL, Bailey, Rett, Kara and I set up to watch.
Not sur what is going on with my blogger format to post.  The viewer is almost non-existent and I am ready to change blog server.  Had more pictures and things to say but am unable to do so.  This has been ongoing and frustrating.  If I change blog location.  I will try to post it here.  Sorry.  This is why I haven't wanted to blog lately.

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