Living an involuntary hermit's life. Working towards living a healthier, gluten-free, hopefully cancer free life with my 2 dogs, 3 chickens and loving family.

Living with intention

When stumbling through life isn't good enough anymore..... decide to be yourself and enjoy life, and pay attention to Gods gifts all around.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sunday Musing one day early

I did not want to skip this weeks Sunday Musing, but because of the party tomorrow, I thought I would write this today.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.
John 10:27
Listening to God is a very real thing. We all can hear his guidance. It is not an audio voice or like voices are in your head, at least not for me. When I am "listening", and for me listening is being at peace, and regularly praying and watching for Gods blessings in life and nature, God will lead me in the direction best for my life or for the moment. The Catholic in me is big on prayer time. I love meditating with the help of the rosary. I love some of the old formatted prayers that I can use basically as a mantra. The Quaker in me prays in a more visiting way to God. Like two old friends, or maybe more like a child to a parent. Me being the child:) During devotion times, God will sometimes lead me to scripture he wants me to read and learn from. Other times, during the day, sometimes God stops me in my tracks with a sense that someone is in need of prayer or something God wants me to notice and learn from. Sometimes I wake up with God needing my attention about something. Now I am not saying God always talks to me, and it has taken me years to know the difference between my own thoughts and desires and a true leading from God. I still make a mistake once in a while. So for big decisions, I usually wait for verification or talk to another prayerful person.

This week, my cousin passed away. She was diagnosed the same week as I was with a different cancer. We kept up with each others progress and I have felt a bond with her for the last year and a half. On Wednesday, my sis told me that she heard that J. might pass away within the next couple days. On Thursday morning, around 1:30 am, I woke up suddenly. I laid there thinking "what's this about". After a while, I got the sense God wanted me to pray for J. Usually I will just lay there and pray, but something told me to get out of bed and kneel. I did. I prayed for J. to be at peace, I prayed for her not to be scared, I prayed for Jesus to comfort her like he did for my dad. After a long while, I got up, climbed into bed, woke LL up, and told him J. had passed on. And before I fell asleep, I asked my dad to welcome her and I felt a happiness in my heart that she was with her mom and dad. My sis came to my house around 6:45 that morning and said J. passed away earlier that morning. I am not sure if it was at the exact time I was praying, but I have no doubt I was a witness to her crossing over just as if I was there in her bedroom.

Now if some of you have not experienced this with God before, this might be the last post you are willing to read. But for those who have experienced it, you know what a wonderful confirmation this is that God is real and he is with us here and now.

I will be posting pictures later about yard cleanup and setup for the party. Have a blessed weekend.

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