Now is a time of shared sacrifices. Now is a time for some compromises.
But it is Never a good time for Union Busting!! Public or Private
So often we as a nation have a short memory and need to relearn lessons the hard way. I hope this is not yet another time.
Whether you belong to a Union or not. (My LL and my Kids do not) You have the lessons learned from this tragedy, and unions who pushed for labor laws to thank, if you are safe and somewhat secure in your job.
This week, HBO has a special on the Triangle Factory Fire. I hope to watch it. And down below is a link to a nice article that will give you some details. Please check it out.
History Buff
Yeah I am able to get on your blog again. I dont know anything about the fire, but I do know that with the help of unions workers rights were looked after. Now we have Occupational health and safety. As an employer I only want to do what is safe for our workers. thank you for sharing a little history with us.
Glad to hear from you angela.
for you its Ostara, when spring comes and life returnes to the land. A happy ostara to you
Yes the unions did well and were good, and who knows some may even make a case for them in today’s world as well, but let’s not forget that all the unions worked for are now laws both civil and criminal and as such can’t be changed without an act of congress, by state or federal. One would have to turn a blind eye to what is going on in today’s world not see we all are in deep stuff if we do not figure out an economical way of fixing the problems we are now facing. One could argue until they are blue in the face on how we got in this mess but the fact is we are in a mess and unless we change our habits of promising the moon then we will never get out if it. Our unions and representatives have been a huge part of the problem working hand-in-hand to get what they both want “POWER”, power through election and power through union’s dues that sway those elections. While I have never been in a union I have worked alongside and been in charge of union personnel and the majority of them have no idea of where their dues go and for what purpose, and when they do find out most of them are none too happy. During the last major election the unions spent over $500 mil to get people elected that supported their causes and they have every right to do so; however these are the same unions that are billions in debt on their retirement and health care packages just look at CA for example. The state’s two major pension plans — public employees and teachers — are more than $122 billion short of what’s been contracted for, how did this happen well either stupid or corrupt people that is only answer. Of course this too could be argued but the bottom line is someone promised the moon and now it is coming due, and the rest of this country will be the ones that pay, of course this is happening all over our country, 2 years ago an $800bil stimulus was to stop all of this all it did was kick the can down the street and now the check is coming due and there is no more money. Problem some people have is they live and think in the past, yes there was a time and a place for unions and they did a lot of good, however now IMO their management is a cancer on our country, they have turned, just look at the groups they associate with in order to get and keep power! Bear in mind that these union workers make up less than 12% of the working people in America the ones working for the government raising Cain in Wisconsin make up less than 2%. My wife has not gotten a raise or bonus in over 3 years her insurance has gone up 4% and they stopped matching her 401K 3 years ago as well, yes she has a job and we are grateful, just remember that 88 % of the nation’s workforce was in this boat as well or damn near. The same can’t be said about the unions, they have gotten raises during this time, maybe not all of them but a large majority through longevity pay increase and step raises. They are trying to spin this to be them against the world as all the other people are getting theirs when in reality they never stopped getting theirs, by law the local and federal governments have to pay them these salaries they can’t cut pay nor can they make them do anything else unless they agree or it is made so by law! Again they like to point out that Wall Street is making a killing and well they may be but that is the way it is in a capitalistic world this is not about Wall Street until our government started bailing them out their money did not come from all of us tax payers, however all the state and federal workers money does! Just my thoughts!
Much of what you say is true. As I said compromises are in order, that is what barganing is about. It is not an all or nothing solution only. Yes, only 2% of wisconsin is public union. But we will see how the recall goes to truly reflect how everyday citizens feel about Union Busting. It is interesting you bring up Union Contributions. That is what this is all about. Republicans have Corporations, lobbiest, the biggest is NRA contributing to their candidates, the only large group of contributers to the Democratic party is Unions. Interesting that it is Republican Governors trying to Union Bust while cutting corporate taxes.
Feel I also need to add here that you are assuming Union members have been recieving raises. You need to do better research. Public union members have for a couple years now have had Manditory Furlough days that wipe out any "raise" that is on paper. Many people we know personally are making about the same money they made in 1999. LL knows first hand the power and sometimes headaches caused by unions. He has to bargain and compromise with them all the time, but not once has he wished the union to go away for the people who work under him. He knows full well it levels the playing field.
So the NRA and big business supports republicans, let’s look at that, do they require their members for purpose of employment to pay dues or contribute money to them? No, if you do not support the NRA you simply do not join them and support them with contributions or pay for their services they provide, what have you lost? Nothing! They will still do what they do and it hasn’t cost you anything! Example AARP, I disagreed with their views and I canceled my subscription, what did I lose nothing! Big business is the same; they do not take money from your paycheck as a condition of employment and use in a manner they deem fit! Wal-Mart is the perfect example of this, they spend their own money to fight for what they believe in, however if we allow our government to take tax payer money in the form of bailouts and give it to big business then we are again being screwed. Which happened with GM, Chrysler, and Wall Street, notice the first two were union companies, and we do not even want to go into how the unions have killed the automotive industry! One last thing on this part, yes there was an election in Wisconsin in Nov 2010 and republicans won by a landslide picking up majorities in all their houses and the governorship, you think this was an accident? Or are you of the mindset that democrats just forgot to vote that the unions in Wisconsin just forgot to rally their groups. This didn’t happen, for whatever reasons the people in Wisconsin voted out the democrats based on what they were seeing, you are right there will be recalls on both sides and some things may change, but I have to say in 2008 when that change came it sure seemed that the democrats were all OK with that and in fact told the republicans to shut up and get in the back of the car, I am not suggesting that the republicans do that but am suggesting that democrats might at least be available for conversation instead of running to another state.
“I assume nothing (I verify)”; you need only take the words “Union Mandatory Furlough” put it in your search engine and you can see what your saying is not right. Here this is from your own state
Many unions are fighting this in court and some have even won to stop this and to force back pay. The pay I speak of is law and must be given, and while it is not a great deal of money per person it is still a raise and a cost to our government whether at the local or the federal level. The key is your statement “about the same amount of money”, while all the rest around you take pay cuts which many have, have their pay frozen which many have, and have had their health benefits cost raised which many have, our union both local and federal have not, unless forced to do so by law, of course in some cases these same unions have seen the handwriting on the wall that there is no longer this bottomless pit of money and they have agreed to these changes out right and I say good for them, they are thinking of longevity, they can do the math. The furloughs you speak of merely effect regular pay and not the ones I speak of, nor do they affect bonuses, and as I said in almost all cases the unions have fought to keep this from happening, As the rest of the counties businesses were cutting employees to survive, our government employees actually grew it was for the longest time the only sector growing, why is that? Remember their pay comes from all workers and while we were losing money as a country they were growing, in fact it was the largest growth spurt in the last 3 years. Businesses now have a huge surplus of monies and our government is nearly broke, how did that happening, did someone miss the memo? Here are some facts; from 1981 through 2008, the civilian work force remained at about 1.1 million to 1.2 million, with a low of 1.07 million in 1986 and a high of more than 1.2 million in 1993 and in 2008. In 2009, the number jumped to 1.28 million. Including the civilian and defense sectors, the federal government will employ 2.15 million people in 2010 and 2.11 million in 2011, excluding Postal Service workers. These are not increases in our military as our government is looking for ways to reduce the size of it! Ok at some point we have more people in the cart then we do pulling the cart, just a figure of speech. The point is nothing the government does makes money, they do not run anything that remotely shows a profit or even breaks even. They are like union leaders that take money and spend it as they see fit, our only recourse it to kick them out if we do not agree, with any other business we just stop buying their product, can’t do that with the government! It really all comes down to simple economics and who has control of the purse strings, in your own home you balance your checkbook and pay your bills on time, if you don’t then you lose something (repossessed) or get kicked out (foreclosure) or when you really screw up and spend too much money you have to file bankruptcy, but not our government they just print more money and hand it out, well therein lies the problem and we as a nation have to get a handle on it before we have one of these things happen to us as a country!
Apparently I really hit a passionate subject for you:) If I keep responding to each point and you respond to each point, we can go on indefinitly. Since I am pretty sure who you are (i could be wrong because the comments were not signed) I would rather someday talk in person. But what I would like to say is may Gods blessings and peace be with you.
With love,
Just read your e-mail cousin. Yes I thought I recognized your writing form. It is good to hear from you on this blog even when we disagree. Hopefully if you ever find a post you agree with, I can look forward to those comments as well:) Now that my hunch is confirmed. Double blessing to you and your family.
With Love,
Cousin Konnie
Actually, I miss spoke on the comment above. I only skimmed through your e-mail because I need to get ready for Doctor appointment. But will read all the details later. I promise:)
Deleted the last comment before I went to the doctor appointment. If the person wants to restate their point, and you had some good ones, but without slamming the above commenter, I will leave that comment up. Whether a person agrees with me or not, I do not tolerate put downs from anyone on my blog. This is a place that if you are respectful you can disagree with me, and if you are respectful, you can agree with me without being disrespectful of the other commenters. Respect and love is all I will tolerate on this blog. And to answer your question. My cousin and I are good. We are family first and differing opinions do not take away that common love we have for one another.
Feeling a little bad that so much time went between deleting the commenter and my explanation and request to repost comment. I usually do a better job and am sorry. You gave statistics and sites that were very useful and my mind has been slow lately so it was appreciated. But you saw a few of Anonomous as personal attacks or "slams" as you put it when you found out it was family. I do not take it personal, and was not offended. Appreciate your defense but in this case was not needed. I am sorry if my delete and delay of explanation might have put you off. Just did not like a couple words used. Hope you come back.
I have put this on here as it was the email I sent you directly yesterday, I want others to know as well that you are a big person with a heart to match!
I often find things that I agree with on here. For example your Peace article for one! I am grateful to your site as it lets me see many of my relatives, and I can keep tabs on you as well. I have only written once before and as anonymous because I could not figure it out. You are right I so often point out things that are in error and not the things that are right, bad fault of mine. As for passionate, all I can say about that is I am informed, I do my homework and I try and be fair about what I say. While some disagree with how I say it very few can disagree with the points or the facts, I bring to the discussion. If I am passionate about anything at this time it is the misinformation that is out there, in today’s world there are just way to many sources for people to get the information and so many people do not take the time or make the effort to do any research they just regurgitate their favorite media personalities statements. I believe we as a country are at a crossroads and we all owe it to ourselves and future generations to take account of our actions and do the right thing, while I am aware my right thing and others may not be the same, I do what I think is the right thing. It was not my intent to be argumentative or condescending, it was only to provide an alternate view of things and give you a different perspective. If it came across in any other way I apologize! I am fortunate that several of my friends are left leaning democrats who will not hesitate to let me know what they think; it keeps me balanced and forces me to have an open mind. Having been retired these last 3 years has enabled me to stay current with what is happening in our country politically. Having great friends and relatives also provides an exceptional source of balance and perspective. I hope your doctor appointment went well and you and yours are all doing great, I thank you for the opportunity to debate this issue! PS the wife loves the music!
Hi mom. :)
Well, I will be the first to admit that when it comes to the Unions, I don't know nearly as much as the rest of you. But I must say that the first "anonymous" writer needs to check his or herself. Writing "how did this happen well either stupid or corrupt people that is only answer" is not only an illogical fallacy, but rude and uncalled for. You have every right to stress your opinion but that doesn't mean you can call someone stupid or corrupt. Shame on you for acting as though your opinion gives you entitlement to write such a malicious comment.
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