Our camping spot is in a private park. It is our spot every year, as long as we obey the rules and pay the yearly fees. We can pick out a different spot next year if we want, or get on a long list to get a spot on the river, or a full hook-up spot. These lists have a 8 to 10 year wait. Frankly, if we are not on the river, I don't think we will likely want to move for a long time. Our spot will take a bit of work to get into shape and once we do get it into shape, well, who wants to give it up after that? Also, the location of it is really good. Although Marlin has a bathroom and water, our spot is close to bathrooms and water. Also, with no one behind or in front of us, it gives us more room and privacy. Max will be able to be...........Max.
We do not have a view of the river, but there is a view point near by where you can take lawn chairs. I really don't know this for a fact, but the map did say this. The river is a short walking distance and if we have a guest who can't make the walk, there are places to park your car by the river.
But back to our camping spot. The cool part about this being a private park is that with in reason, you can do what ever you want with your spot. Build a deck, a storage shed, make tent sites, put up natural material fence, gravel drive, RV spot etc. LL and I are planning on clearing off a drive way and RV spot which will be graveled. Put some paver stones for a kind of "deck". LL is going to build a new picnic table, but there is an old sturdy one there that when it drys out I will sand and paint. We don't like where the fire pit is and the type, so we will put a new one in a different location. We will put some sort of storage up, but we do not want to spend lots of money right now so we will watch Craig's list or LL will build something but we will not be in any hurry. Basically, we will groom and improve the drive, RV parking, and a middle "living" area for eating and fire pit, clear out a couple spots for tents, but we really want to keep the perimeter as natural as possible.
Now, moving on. I really had a rough evening and night last night. I am sure I did not eat gluten. But, retracing all my eating, there can only be one culprit. Jelly Belly Beans. I have been eating clean foods for quite a while. No processed foods, mainly one ingredient foods, like rice, potatoes, vegetables stir fried or roasted, raw fruits, and fish with occasional chicken and beef in small amounts, and Very rarely. My body seems to be doing well eating like this. But this requires much planning and preparing. Sometimes a person just wants something to snack on. Well a couple days ago, I was looking at the Easter candy at the store and noticed Jelly Belly brand of jelly beans are gluten free, so I bought some. I really did not think it through. I ate them. Boy Oh Boy,..........Bad "issues". What was I thinking. Tons of ingredients and many, many dyes. It is official. I am now a fish loving, grass eating, organic eating, fresh natural food eater for the rest of my life. I really don't think I can go back and eat any other way. That means very few restaurants, no fast foods, absolutely no processed foods. No gluten, no nuts, no dyes, no preservatives, no hormones, etc. The difference of days and days of relief, (still have "issues" but tolerable issues), versus pain, accidents, embarrassment, and loss of freedom. Well there really is no choice.
1 comment:
Ridiculously happy for you that you got the camping spot! I'm sure you'll have many, many hours of enjoyment there.
Jelly beans!? Go figure! I always supposed gluten-free meant worry-free...sure shows how ignorant I am. Oh, and good luck on your tests Thursday...we're hoping and praying for good results.
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