He worked a lot of hours this week and was able to get home early today and take advantage of the beautiful afternoon. He wanted to get the back yard mowed. But before he got back home, I got home from taking David to the doctor. Things going good for him by the way. I got home, didn't want to waste a minute of good weather so I got my boots on.
Yes they are polka dot.
Used my swifty solar clothes dryer, and cleaned the chicken coop. Called Aunt Leone to find out how far apart to plant the strawberry plants and planted them.
LL got the back yard mowed.
Put another load of laundry out to dry................
Then the fight was on.
Where to put the TWO new raised beds. He said "One", I said "two", he said "there", I said "not there, over there". He said "OK I will put ONE there" I said "No you will put TWO there".
I have no idea who will win on this one......OK, I will win, unless he reads this and digs in his heals. But don't you love a couple who completely feels secure enough to DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY!!!
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