Dear Reggie,
Happy Birthday Elton. I have loved you since I was 9 years old. I was so sad at 13 years old when I found out you liked men. But I still dreamed of being your best friend. I have seen you in person around 10 times and you never disappoint. So glad you are still making music, and hope someday to meet you. ( A girl can dream).
With great affection,
(you might remember me, I am the one at your concerts who screams the loudest).
Workshops update
3 days ago
My roosters named Reggie, after dear old elton. He is very flamboyant too!
I can't have a rooster where I live, but Elton wrote some songs under a couple girls names. (Rock of the westies) So I am thinking you are on to something and I will name my future hens those names:)
And then there is Bennie and the jets. Yes Bennie was a girl! Lucy, Amorena, Alice, and so many more. Yes, I think my hens will no longer be named with "H" names, but with Elton names. Thanks Angela.
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